How do you prepare for YOUR life’s Superbowl-moment?

Posted on: September 7th, 2015 by Dr. Spencer Baron No Comments

American Football Player Catching a touchdown PassSecrets of the mental game

Late nights, lots of alcohol, recreational drugs, repetitive fornicating, clubbing, gambling, huge fatty meals and tons of that white stuff … sugar, salt and flour are a sure recipe for a disastrous outcome.

Unfortunately, modern media has sensationalized the few super talented athletes that succumb to such destructive practices. Yet, the great news is, today many bad boy rockers of yester year’s music world don’t even practice these high risk, pre-event behaviors anymore.

Modeling today’s image, competent gladiators can provide a clear plan towards your successful outcome in any area you choose.


Focus on your outcome: some athletes will arrive 1 to 2 hours early to the venue where the competition will take place. They stare at the field, court or track and play the mental video of how successful they will be during their event. Over and over again, the images of victorious performances run through their psyche. .

How to apply this principle:

Prior to a board meeting, giving birth, a spelling bee, asking for a raise, or a softball game, imagine your results. Interestingly, in most cases, your mind will tend to default to picturing only successful outcomes. This establishes the fact that – Mental practice is integral to a perfected execution.


Important considerations:

  1. The emphasis on physical or mental exertion
  2. Duration of the event: long term or short, high intensity
  3. Time of day the event takes place

The proper fuel will add to your peak performance.

Important note: This is meant to be an overview; much more detail is rendered on an individual basis.

Let’s consider the day before your event, greater amounts of protein are taken in for peak mental performance.  Ingest carbohydrates for a more physically oriented feat of strength and endurance.

Challenges involving long duration, such as walking, jogging, basketball, soccer require carbohydrate storage the day before.

If your event is not until the afternoon or evening of the following day, you may be better off with a protein oriented dinner the night before. This approach usually provides a quality night’s sleep, which may not happen with a carbohydrate (and fat) laden dinner.


Rest reigns supreme!

It was not unusual for former, Miami Dolphin, quarterback, Dan Marino to nap prior to a game.  Steve McNair, former quarterback for Tennessee Titans (RIP), would fall into such a deep nap, that he would have to be awakened just prior to pre-game preparation.

In summary: Regardless of how much stress you are experiencing the evening prior to your business presentation, marathon, debate competition, lecture or math test, rest and a good meal may be the most important facets of your pre-event homework. Consider the best foods to eat for dinner, add ideal nutritional supplements, arrange cool, soft sheets on the mattress and pillow and lastly, make sure the room temperature is just right.

Godspeed …

Let the games begin!

Doc B

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