Success when you least expect it. Try what Venus Williams did at the US Open. . .

Posted on: September 10th, 2010 by Spencer No Comments

Venus Williams

Venus Williams arrived at this U.S. Open after knee rehab. She hadn’t played a match in more than two months. She hadn’t reached the semifinals at any Grand Slam tournament in more than a year. And, as of today, she’s poised to win her first U.S. Open.

Was it her nutritional intake?
Was it her training?
Was it her coach?
Was it a new romance?
A new racquet?
What did she do?

She took a break. She didn’t play at the competition level for two months.

Venus Williams may not have realized that she gave every cell in her body a big break, but this was the most important thing she did for her body. She did something different!

Aside from knee rehab and other forms of training, she did what most of us should do when we are not reaching the goals that we have been working SO extremely hard for over so many months and years.

It may not have been written in her “training manual,” but it sure is a strategy in the game of life. When you feel you’ve tried everything possible to get that dream job, raise your child right, score big grades on a test, or work that diet and nothing seems to help … take a break!

By taking a “holiday” from the very task or chore that was “supposed” to get you to your objective, it allows for a FRESH new look at your approach. Suddenly you are able to clearly determine the roadblocks that kept you detoured. You realize there are new tactical procedures and contacts that enable a more effective and efficient solution.

Applying the principle of abstinence towards your goals requires a significant amount of discipline. It requires you to completely remove yourself from the desire of your goal. Maybe even work on the path of a completely unassociated endeavor. Such as, if you’ve been busting your butt on a work related project that hasn’t happened no matter what you do, then shift your energies off it and completely immerse your focus onto your health, diet and exercise goals.

You may be as surprised as Venus is about her sudden launch to tennis fame and win her first U.S. Open.

Doc B

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